Dynamic Sitting Exercise for LBP and General Spinal Health

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Innovation Ignites Innovation

In 1999, a simple idea came to me. And it is hard-pressed to believe I was the first to think of this pose, considering how common it is.  One thing I am certain of is that I was the first to measure it.  It was in biomechanics class when the idea struck while learning about the research regarding prolonged sitting and disc compression. The data from these studies also explained how the discs are diurnal in nature, squeezing water out during the day while taking on water over the course of the night when lying down.

The recovery of fluid [1. Review of the fluid flow within intervertebral discs – How could in vitro measurements replicate in vivo?] appeared to be essential to the disc’s health. What if we could recover the fluid loss at more frequent intervals over the course of the waking day? Perhaps, that fluid loss and re-uptake could improve the health of the disc, I thought. And while I looked around the classroom that morning, I saw many already doing what I hypothesized to be a potentially useful postural strategy—using one’s upper extremities to decompress the lower spine. I could see clearly that students were propping up their heads to stay awake, and others were leaning on the desk with their elbows. In later settings, I also observed the elderly using canes or even walkers to help reduce hip, knee and back pain.

“what if we pressed down with the upper extremities to offload the lower torso to help refill the lower intervertebral discs?” JF

In 2006, I began to write to put my thoughts together.

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Many authors influenced me, including Michael Adams, Francis Smith, Stuart McGill, James Iatradis, Jill Urban, and Michael Freemont…to name a few. Over the years, I began compiling a reference list looking at the spine’s dynamics. I began weaving a document and what came out first was the replenishment paper that was published in the Journal of Circadian Rhythms. This paper looked at why Cetaceans do not experience REM sleep, and I tied in concepts that I had learned from McGill’s first textbook, Low Back Disorders regarding spine stability and spine hydraulics.

In 2007 I began collecting data on the simple seated strategy I had initially thought of in 1999.  I called the movement strategy “chair-care” because I wanted people to be able to remember it. However, people look at me a little funny when I reference it as such and ask if it had anything to do with chair repair.  When I saw a group of researchers name it a dynamic seating exercise [1. Dynamic Sitting Exercise versus Spinal Extension Exercise on Pain, Lumbar Mobility and Quality of Life in Adults with Mechanical Low Back Pain] and compare it to the popular McKenzie Prone press-up, I did welcome the new name.

My first research paper on this dynamic sitting exercise was published in The Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies [2. Preliminary investigation into a seated unloading movement strategy for the lumbar spine: A pilot study]. It involved measuring the standing height of 89 people before and after the exercise which showed significant gains after the exercise. To get an inside look at what may be contributing to the increased height, I stepped up my methods to include upright MRI to see what may have caused the height change.

In the same year, 2010, my assembled team showed that the dynamic sitting exercise increased the spacing between the vertebra (disc height) and improved the neutral curve of the lumbar spine after a period of 15 minutes of sustained sitting. We used mid-sagittal slices of the seated MRI images to measure spinal changes, leading to a second pilot paper in The Spine Journal [3. Magnetic resonance imaging and stadiometric assessment of the lumbar discs after sitting and chair-care decompression exercise: a pilot study]

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On Oct 28, 2020, another publication surfaced on the dynamic sitting exercise. A research paper titled “An Evaluation of an Innovative Exercise to Relieve Chronic Low Back Pain in Sedentary Workers” [4. An Evaluation of an Innovative Exercise to Relieve Chronic Low Back Pain in Sedentary Workers] published in Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, added an abdominal drawing-in maneuver (ADIM) to the dynamic sitting exercise. They looked at subjects with chronic back pain and tested whether or not it would help them. They concluded:

Clinicians can use the intervention to induce dynamic lumbar movement, and this exercise can maintain deep trunk muscle activity during prolonged sitting, thereby helping to prevent low back pain (LBP) problems.

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Dynamic Sitting Exercise - Dr. Fryer's Suggestion
Begin sitting upright in a chair. Place your palms (or fists if you need a little more height) on the seat pan next to your hips (or further back if you want more extension) and push downward to straighten your arms to lift your upper torso away from your lower torso without lifting your buttocks off the seat pan. Allow your lower spine to lengthen by relaxing your abdominal muscles to allow lengthening your lower spine until you feel a slight stretch in your low back. Not everyone feels the slight stretch. Hold this position for five seconds, then draw-in your abdomen to return to a neutral position and allow the full weight to be replaced on your buttocks for three seconds. Breathe normally and do not hold your breath during the exercise. Repeat as directed.

Innovation often builds on innovation. It is with great hope that even more studies continue to develop on such a simple dynamic exercise. As a society, we are being drawn to computer screens and into our seats and away from the playgrounds. This concerns me.


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