Our Chiropractic Oath

Our Chiropractic Oath

I do hereby swear before these assembled witnesses that I will do my utmost to keep this oath as a graduate of Western States Chiropractic College.
I will light the way to the understanding of those natural laws which preserve the human body, as a fitting temple for the soul.
I will keep the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of the sick as my fore­most duty, ever searching for and correcting the cause of their disease to the best of my ability.
I will at all times stand ready to serve humanity without distinction of race creed or color. I will prevent and alleviate human suffering. I will exemplify a pattern of living in harmony with the laws of nature.
With purity I will pass my life and practice my art. I will refrain from any act of wrong-doing. I will regard the keeping of a patient’s confidence as a moral obligation. I will at all times consider the patients under my care as of su­preme importance. I will not spare myself in rendering them the help which I have been taught by my alma mater.
May the skillful use of my hands be so directed, that I may bring strength to the sick, relief to the suffering, peace of mind to the anxious, and the inspira­tion to the human race to attain bountiful health, that we may live this life to the fullest expression of its innate endowments.
I, [name) therefore solemnly swear to uphold these principles and precepts, to the best of my ability. (So help me God.)**
**Graduates have the option of using the word “swear” or “affirm” in the Oath. They also have the option of using or not using the phrase “so help me God” at the end of the Oath.


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